Thursday, November 27, 2014

Are you a Sunday kind of Christian?

You may be wondering about that question. Well, that is something each of us have to ask ourselves. Are we a Sunday kind of Christian? Our faith is something personal and we each are responsible for our own Christianity and our faith. This is all something that came to my mind and touched my heart this morning as I drove home after dropping off my son for work.

When thinking about that question, we have to understand what is meant by the phrase, "Sunday kind of Christian." Do you go to Church on Sunday and get excited about the service? Do you listen and believe what you are hearing and feeling as though it has touched your heart? Neither of these are a bad thing. It is great to get excited for Sunday, for Church.... It's great to listen and believe and feel touched! However, it can't just stop on Sunday. If everything you do and feel quits as soon as you leave the doors of the Church, the parking lot, or when you wake up Monday morning, then you are a Sunday kind of Christian.

We can get so wrapped up in our daily lives and we think that all we need is God on Sunday. You go to work and want to fit in with those around you, so you forget about God. You don't want to offend anyone so you keep your mouth shut and act like everything is OK.

God doesn't limit his love for just Sundays. If he did, we would all be in trouble. If he refused to watch over his people except on Sundays, we would be left to defend ourselves the rest of the week. He loves us and cares for us each and every day. God answers prayers every day.

Every single Christian has been guilty of being a Sunday kind of Christian at some point in their lives. Being a Christian isn't about shoving our faith down other's throats but about love. No one is better than another. We all are sinners and we all deserve respect. If we don't want to offend someone then no one would do anything, EVER!!

The people I work with know I go to Church and they know that I am a Christian. I would say that the best compliment that I received was that I have a big heart. This heart has gotten me hurt more than once because I trust more than I should sometimes. I know that what this person saw was my compassion for others. My love is only possible because of my faith. By now, I would have stopped caring and trying because of the hurt, if it hadn't been my faith in God. I will always strive to be Christ-like.

I know this is Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for. I have family and friends. I have a a great job, my life, and Christ who died for me. I am also thankful for these words that God has given me today. It came from out of the blue and I know that God is the only reason I had this idea. So I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a happy and safe holiday season. And remember, God is not only for Sundays.

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